Kiwanis Active Kids | Swift Current

Ensuring all kids in Swift Current get a chance to play. Apply for financial support to help with youth sports fees or equipment.

How It Works

This is a local program offered by the Kiwanis Club Swift Current. For questions or help with an application, please contact us by email.

    • Families that are low-income or facing financial hardship.

    • Children and youth up to 19 years of age.

    • Residents of Swift Current and area.

    • Sports registration fees or equipment costs (including school sports) based in Swift Current.

    • Children and youth could be eligible for up to $400 in financial support, per child and per calendar year (January to December).

  • Applications should be submitted before the start date of the sport or activity and you must have already registered in the activity.

    To submit your application, complete the online form below. If you have any questions please contact us at

    • Ensure all the information has been filled out to the best of your ability and that you have included a reference.

    • If you are applying for more than one child, please submit a separate application form for each child.

    • Applicants should provide one reference with their application. Examples of references are social worker, teacher/principal, newcomer representative, support services worker, RCMP officer, doctor, lawyer, etc.

    If the application has been approved:

    • Kiwanis Club will issue funds directly to the sports organization on behalf of the child.

    • If the application is for sports equipment, Kiwanis Club will issue funds directly to Southwest Sports Excellence on behalf of the child or youths approved amount.  

  • Yes, just submit a separate application for each child.

  • There is no set deadline, but you must apply before the start of the sport or activity.

  • Applicants should provide one reference with their application. If you have questions about finding a reference, contact us by email.

    Examples of references are:

    • Social worker, teacher/principal, newcomer representative, support services worker, RCMP officer, doctor, lawyer, etc.

  • After you apply, you will receive your application status by email.

    Please allow up to 4 weeks to be notified if you have been approved or not.

  • Once approved,

    • Kiwanis Active Kids will pay the funds directly to the sports organization on behalf of the child.

    • If the application is for sports equipment, Kiwanis Active Kids will issue the approved grant directly to Southwest Sports Excellence on behalf of the child. Equipment can then be purchased at Southwest Sports Excellence, using the credited amount.  

  • Please contact Kiwanis Active Kids at if you have any questions about the status of your application.

Apply for a Grant

To apply for financial support, complete the form below. Complete one form per child. If you need help or have questions, email us.

Please register your child with the sports organization before completing the application for funding assistance.

Privacy & Confidentiality: All information provided is kept in strict confidentiality. The information on this application form will only be used for the purpose of adjudicating the grant request. Personal information shall not be used or disclosed for purposes other than that for which it was collected.